Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pull Yer Head Out Lehi City

[News] KSL pointed out that Lehi is upping the costs for public record request of city documents. Indicating that they may even charge as much as $50 an hour to find documents for the public.

Who are you people? Is it wrong for me to assume that finding "records" is the not part of a city "recorder's" normal job description? That it is such a heinous task that they need to be paid extra money to do these searches?

Worst of all is further discouraging citizen activism. The public does not need to be discouraged from looking up dirt on their elected officials. In fact they should be encouraged to do it.

That's why I propose we bring market forces to bear on apathetic citizenry. I propose cities actually offer their citizens tax breaks for records requests they find that reveal heinous scandals about their elected officials. It could be the newest craze, like geocaching, and also serve a public good at the same time. (Eric S. Peterson)

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