Thursday, December 13, 2007

Santa Claus Is Comin' ... Again and Again

[Holidays on Ice] Confusion over the Santa Pub Crawl has me deeply concerned.

The crawl splintered into various factions in 2006 when, after 10 years, Babs DeLay decided she'd had enough of trying to organize the 300-member event. In the interest of helping perpetuate a nice tradition, I've devoted my Lake Effect space to the pub crawl for the past two weeks. I called Babs for a quote--which may have ended up adding to the confusion:

Derek Meik finally discovered a flyer advertising a Santa Crawl Friday, Dec. 14. The same week, after I called, Babs decided to step into the fray and take out an ad--which said the crawl will be Saturday, Dec. 15. Unfortunately, Babs didn't think to notify me (and, really, why would she?) and, by chance, I stumbled across the ad moments before we went to publication Tuesday. There was no time to cross-check the information, so now my column in the same issue points toward the ad but pimps a different crawl. Confused readers are now asking which one is real.

Both are, apparently. You want to dress up like Santa and go bar-hopping, nothing's stopping you. I guess it's a testament to the grassroots, "coyote politics" nature of this event that nobody can get it together.

And then, today, I received this:(Brandon Burt)

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